ALGAESOL project will develop and evaluate solutions for sustainable conversion of sunlight into fuels that can aid to reduce aviation and shipping biofuel production costs up to 25% and accelerate the replacement of fossil-based energy technologies. The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action (RIA) programme, coordinated by NORCE (Norwegian Research Centre) and brings together universities, industrial designers, technologies suppliers into the same consortium. It unites skills towards the development of cost-effective, sustainable and renewable aviation and shipping fuels based on game-changing microalgae and direct solar fuel production and purification technologies.

M € budget

Meet the partners

Danish Technological Institute (DTI)

Continuing our introductions to the Danish Technological Institute team, Nikola Medić shares insights into their crucial role in the ALGAESOL project:

  • Selecting the best microalgae strain that combines a high growth rate with efficient lipid production
  •  Developing strategies to prevent contamination in the microalgae culture
  •  Finding the ideal balance between high-quality lipid extraction and cost-efficiency: to ensure the production of affordable shipping and aviation biofuels

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Universitat de Girona

We start 2025 with Prof. Sebastià Puig from Universitat de Girona, who shared his excitement about the ALGAESOL project and its potential to advance bioelectrochemical systems.


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Leitat Technological Center

LEITAT is contributing to the development of the photoanode for sunlight harvesting, ensuring the efficiency of the process also when integrated with microalgae. Their role further extends to establishing efficient fuel purification, conducting sustainability analyses, and performing a Social Life Cycle Assessment.

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NORCE, Norwegian Research Centre

Role in the project:

  • Coordinating the project and leading consortium management
  • Optimizing microalgae strains to enhance biooil productivity
  • Conducting sustainability assessments and developing value-chain designs for scale-up strategies

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News & Events

December 18, 2024

Meet the ALGAESOL Team: UdG