July 4, 2024
ALGAESOL kick-off meeting was hosted by NORCE in Bergen, Norway and brought our consortium together to discuss the future of sustainable fuels for aviation and shipping. From July 2nd to 3rd, 2024, important information about the project’s scope, objectives, and timeline was exchanged and the partners engaged in a collaborative dialogue, addressing potential challenges and identifying strategies to tackle them effectively.
This initial gathering set the tone for open communication and established a solid foundation for future collaboration, as team members voiced their expectations and concerns, aligning their efforts toward the project’s success.
Partners also visited the National Algae Pilot in Mongstad, where microalgae cultivation and testing will take place, and delved deeper into the optimization challenges that lie ahead.

Thomas Hovmøller Ris

We are enthusiastic about embarking on the ALGAESOL project together and look forward to accelerating the replacement of fossil-based energy technologies with biofuels!